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Learn to Grow a Wildlife and Water Friendly Garden at CCC for Free

Jan 26, 2023, 11:48 AM by CCC Staff

Ducks in the water at CCC's Environmental Learning Center

OREGON CITY – The Clackamas Community College Environmental Learning Center is hosting free weekly wildlife and water-friendly garden workshops – just in time for the spring gardening season. Each week, professional landscapers and water quality experts will discuss ways in which gardens help wildlife. Workshops will be held virtually Thursdays, Jan. 26-March 9, noon-1 p.m. Sign up for one or more of the workshops at Wildlife and Water Friendly Gardens 2023 on Eventbrite.

Jan. 26, How to grow a sustainable lawn

By choosing the right style of lawn, care regimen and equipment, a sustainable lawn profile is possible. Learn key information about how to grow grass lawns and eco-lawns (grasses with broadleaf plants) including mowing, watering and fertilizing.

Feb. 2, Encouraging beneficial insects, spiders and mini-creatures

A diverse fauna of mini creatures plays a huge role in keeping backyard habitats healthy and functional. Learn to be a good host to these critters and how a diverse, native plant-based garden is a bulwark to plant pest outbreaks.

Feb. 9, Avoiding invasives in the garden

Finding the right plant for the right location is key to garden success, but some are a little too successful and threaten to disrupt the desired outcome. Learn how proper plant choices can help prevent undesirable invasive species from taking over yards, and why this is important for the health of watersheds.

Feb. 16, Drought-tolerant native plants for pollinators

Despite its reputation for being wet and gray, this region of Oregon has naturally dry summers, conditions that are being exacerbated by global warming. Discover drought-tolerant plants that can add resilience to the landscape in the face of changing weather patterns, as well as support bees and other pollinators.

Feb. 23, Attracting birds while protecting watershed health

Birds provide many beneficial services, from pest-control to pollination. Creating a welcoming environment for our avian visitors doesn’t have to strain water budgets.

March 2, Ways that we impact watersheds in our garden decisions

The choices people make in taking care of yards not only affects the long-term health and beauty of gardens, but also the health of the water supply. Learn why and how to be good environmental stewards through soil care practices, storm water management, water conservation, non-chemical fertilizer alternatives and best practices for pest management.

March 9, Garden design considerations for managing stormwater and erosion

Sloping lawns and rivers of run-off can wreak havoc in yards. Learn how to manage storm water and erosion from an expert known for earth-friendly, water-wise designs.

For questions, email The workshop series is sponsored by Clackamas County Water Environment Services and in partnership with Clackamas River Basin Council, Clackamas River Water Providers, Oak Lodge Water Services and North Clackamas Watersheds Council.

About the Environmental Learning Center

The Environmental Learning Center has a rich history as an educational resource for Clackamas Community College, regional schools, industry and the community. Located on the former site of a Smucker's processing plant, the center was created to demonstrate what people could do to reclaim industrial sites, address stormwater issues and restore wildlife habitats in urban areas. Each year thousands of people visit to explore the 5-acre site and learn about watershed health. The site serves as an important stormwater facility for the college campus and provides critical wetland habitat for resident and migratory birds, such as the great blue heron, wood duck and merganser. For more information about the Environmental Learning Center, visit CCC's Environmental Learning Center's webpage.

Lori Hall

Media contact

Lori Hall

Public Information Officer



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