Clackamas Community College bond measure #3-613
In November 2024, the voters in Clackamas approved a $120-million bond renewal. To inform this second phase of the bond, the college did a lot of research and collection of data. The college developed a concept master plan, an athletic facilities master plan and a mechanical, electrical and plumbing master plan. Projects and needs identified in those plans totaled more than $300 million. CCC formed a bond development work group of employees across the college, students and board members. Over a series of meetings, they worked to refine and prioritize the list of projects, which was then polled both internally and externally to see how the projects resonated with the college community. Using that information, we finalized the projects included in the bond measure.
About the bond
The bond measure funds projects that will:Prepare students for success by modernizing teaching and learning spaces
- Renovate and modernize learning spaces to meet the needs of the future in learning.
- Construct a center of excellence for horticulture, arboriculture, farming and wildland fire.
- Expansion for welding in Training Center B.
- Upgrade information technology and student computer labs.
- Improve safety and security on all three campuses.
- Upgrade energy efficiencies on all three campuses.
- Replace outdated and inefficient central heating and cooling plant.
- Update, maintain and repair aging facilities.
- Improve existing pathways and plazas on the Oregon City campus.
- Update and repair campus services maintenance yard and storage facilities.
- Retire outstanding debt.
- Acquisition of new property.
- Improve athletic fields with track and field renovations, synthetic soccer fields, grandstands and lighting.
- Wilsonville campus improvements.
- Construct a Challenger Space simulation center.
- Complete the walking trail loop on the Oregon City campus.

The measure authorizes a continuation of the 2024 tax rate of $0.25 per $1,000 of assessed property value. The owner of an average assessed-value home would pay $7.22 per month or $86.59 per year. This is estimated not to raise the tax rate.
Clackamas Community College is also eligible for matching funds from the state due to the measure's passing.
Frequently asked questions
Questions and answers about the Clackamas Community College bond measure.