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Get career ready, fast

Get the education and training that lead to jobs or career advancement in high-wage, high-demand industries and jobs. We have more than 90 programs to choose from, including certificates and degrees in health care, industrial technology, welding, automotive, CNC machining, renewable energy... and many more!

Free or reduced tuition

Clackamas Community College provides opportunities for people from diverse backgrounds to earn certificates and degrees that lead to jobs or career advancement in high-wage, high-demand industries and occupations.

You may qualify for FREE or REDUCED TUITION and fees, books, technology (laptop and internet) and daily living costs (housing, child care, transportation, etc.).


You must enroll in an eligible Career Technical Education (CTE) program and/or courses that prepare for, and benefit completion of, a CTE program. This includes one or more of CCC's CTE programs of study, GED and adult programs, or English for Speakers of Other Languages.

Priority will be given to applicants who identify as one or more of the following communities: people of color, women, low-income, rural and frontier communities, veterans, people with disabilities, justice-involved, members of Oregon’s Native American tribes, people experiencing discrimination in employment on the basis of age, and members of the LGBTQ+ community.

Get started today!

Fill out this form and a representative from CCC's Career Pathways team will get in contact with you in 2-3 days to help you get started.

Current students

If you are a current student, visit the Funding Resources and Support webpage to learn more about further support beyond financial aid.

Fall term begins Sept. 25

Dec 9, 2022, 16:32 PM
Start date : Sep 25, 2023, 00:00 AM
End date :

Apply now to begin your degree or certificate to get a high-wage, in-demand job.

Discover CCC Student Voices

“I am grateful for my education at CCC. I have nothing but positive things to say about the college. Instructors were good, enjoyed being on campus and am thankful for the scholarships I received.”

- Elias Zamora II,
CCC Student

Ready to Get Started?