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2019-20 Budget Process

Budget Changes for 2020-21

Though we balanced the budget for 2020-21, we anticipate our expenses will continue to outpace our revenues due to uncertain student enrollment, decreased property tax revenues, and cuts in state funding. The following are the decisions and actions we have made or taken to balance the 2020-21 budget.

A. Using available reserves

The Board of Education reaffirmed its policy that the General Fund ending balance be no less than 10% of revenue. Given the instability of income taxes, which is Oregon’s main source of revenue, the volatility of PERS, and unknown state funding, the board determined it is important to maintain at least 10 percent in the General Fund ending balance.

B. Revenue

The Board of Education raised tuition $5 per credit hour – from $103 to $108 – adding $700,000 of General Fund revenue for 2020-21, based on current enrollment decreases. This change in tuition keeps CCC amongst the lowest community colleges in Oregon.

The increases to student fees for fiscal year 2020-21 include:

  • General Student Fee: Increase from $2.50 per credit to $6 per credit ($3 of which was in place of charging $20/course hybrid and $40/course online fees).
  • Student Technology Fee: No increase.
  • College Service Fee: Increase from $28 to $30 per term.

C. Targeted Budget Decisions

Budget reductions

To help balance the budget deficit the following budget reductions were approved:

Division/DepartmentDescriptionGeneral fund savingsPositions impacted
CollegewideMore restrictive food and beverage policies$50,000 
CollegewideCourse fee reconfiguration and one-time sweep of fee funds$1.62 million (one-time savings) 
Academic Foundations and Connections (AFaC)Reduce materials and services budget$64,000 
AFaCReduce part-time faculty and part-time classified budgets$117,000 
AFaCStaff reduction (shift to Title III grant position)$90,000-1 FTE
Arts and ScienceReduce course sections$100,000 
Business OfficeRefund credit card payments back via credit card$30,000 
Campus ServicesFood service supplemental fee$40,000 
Campus ServicesDecrease postage$25,000 
Campus ServicesCentralized mailroom (shift 20% of position to replace costs in Printing & Distribution)$15,000 
College Relations and Marketing (CRM)Stop printing course catalog$12,000 
CRMLimited run of schedule printing$15,000 
College SafetyReduce college resource officer summer hours$30,000 
Community EducationShift funding of community education coordinator$27,500 
Executive OfficeReduce annual margin funding for extra course sections$400,000 
Executive OfficeReduce Board of Education travel and legislative consulting$10,000 
Institutional Effectiveness and Planning (IEP)Reduce materials and services budget$25,000 
Information Technology Services (ITS)Eliminate Ellucian/Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) unused license renewals$102,000 
Technology, Applied Science and Public Services (TAPS)Reduce part-time faculty salary and budget allocations$125,000 
TAPSReduce materials and services budget$25,000 
Total savings: $1.62M (one-time); $1.3M annually-1 FTE

Unit Plan requests

The following requests that came out of the unit planning process were approved:

Division/DepartmentRequestGeneral Fund expensePositions impacted
Campus ServicesEnvironmental health and safety materials and services$15,000 
Business OfficePhase in funding for contracts coordinator position$25,000 
College SafetyCollege safety officer position$75,000+1 FTE
TAPSCareer technical education (CTE) licensure prep/part-time classified support position$16,000 
IEPOnline program marketing$22,000 
Executive OfficeCreate Diversity, Equity and Inclusion officeRealign existing funds 
Total expense: $153,000 annually+1 FTE

Faculty positions

The adopted budget approved filling nine of 11 vacant positions.

Reduce two of 11 vacant FTF positions $160,000
Total savings: $160,000

The combination of tuition/fee increases, budget reductions, and unit planning, enables the college to balance its budget through fiscal year 2022.

 FY 2020-21FY 2021-22
Original deficit$(1,540,000)$(4,883,000)
Budget adjustments  
Net Tuition / Fees Revenue Increase$300,000$300,000
One-time budget reductions$1,620,000-
Ongoing annual budget reductions$1,300,000$1,350,000
Faculty position savings$160,000$165,000
Subtotal budget adjustments$3,380,000$1,815,000
Unit plan strategic requests$(153,000)$(159,000)
Total forecast balance:$1,687,000-

Budget Process Elements

Scope and Objectives
Budget reduction guiding principles
Budget reduction process criteria
Reduction targets
Evaluation of budget reduction ideas
Short-term actions
Process timeline
Shared governance
Advisory and decision-making groups membership

Frequent budget process questions and answers

What is the current state of the budget?
How are we solving short-term budget problems?
How are we solving the long-term budget forecast?
Are we going to raise student tuition?
What reductions are in the proposed 2020-21 budget?
Why are we not cutting the ending fund balance?
What are furloughs and layoffs?
What are the impacts to Classified employees?
What are the Full-time Faculty impacts?
What are the Part-time Faculty impacts?
What are the Administration/Confidential impacts?
How do impacts compare within the college?
How were layoff decisions made?
Why layoffs now?
What is the academic program reduction/elimination process?
What is the proposed Instruction and Student Services reorganization?
Where has there been shared governance?
What are the next steps?
What are we doing to raise revenue?

Submit a comment or question about the budget process

Enter your question.

2019-20 Budget Process Updates

May 5, 2020 - May budget update
June 16, 2020 - June budget update
April 8, 2020 - April budget message
March 18, 2020 - March budget message
Feb. 25, 2020 - Budget forums
Feb. 14, 2020 - February budget message
Jan. 29, 2020 - Faculty forum results
Jan. 9, 2020 - January budget message
Nov. 22, 2019 - Academic program and curriculum reduction/elimination analysis
Nov. 13, 2019 - Budget forecast projection presented to the CCC Board of Education
Nov. 1, 2019 - Budget forecast and budget process
Nov. 1, 2019 - Budget reduction message


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