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2022-23 Budget Process for the Upcoming Fiscal Year 2023-24

Welcome to the 2022-2023 budget process page. As we plan for the 2023-2024 fiscal year budget, this webpage will be updated with all relevant budget messages, presentations, timelines and more.

This year’s budget process is focused on how to be good stewards of our resources in service to our community, while addressing our operating deficit and looking for the potential to strategically invest in areas.

Budget Advisory Group

This year, the Budget Advisory Group (BAG) was expanded to nearly 40 members to bring broader voices into the budget process and to be more inclusive. The BAG operated with a continuous improvement mindset and approach to test and try new processes, including a new scoring rubric centered around the college’s priorities.

A BAG Agenda Planning Group and the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) BAG Subcommittee were formed. The DEI BAG Sub-Committee was established to create a courageous collaboration space, address the feedback received during the spring BAG meeting and integrate the Budget Scoring Rubric with fiscal year 2023/24 guiding principles.

Budget Timeline

  • July-August: BAG summer meetings to develop process improvement ideas
  • September-March: Regular bi-weekly/monthly BAG meetings
  • March: Base Budgeting (internal budgeting process)
  • March: BAG makes final recommendations prior to spring break
  • Early April: All-staff budget forum
  • Mid-April: Proposed Budget book is being created
  • Mid-April: Feedback from forums help solidify the prioritization list
  • Late April: Proposed Budget book is published and put online
  • May 10: Budget Committee meeting – first read of the budget
  • May 17: Budget Committee meeting – second read and budget approval
  • June 28: Board formally adopts budget

$2 Million One-Time Savings for 2022-23

In May 2022, the Board of Education and Budget Committee approved a budget that required a $2-million reduction this fiscal year (2022-23). The Budget Office, with input from the Budget Advisory Group, identified $2 million in one-time savings. Some of these savings are because enrollment has not yet climbed back and some are savings due to planned reductions.

  • Savings due to low enrollment and environmental changes:
    • $250,000: Utility savings due to lower utility usage
    • $800,000: Personnel savings due to reduced costs for part-time staffing/associate faculty
    • $150,000: Supplies and printing savings from decreased spending
  • Savings related to one-time planned reductions:
    • $150,000: Paused CCC shuttle service
    • $150,000: Holding open some administrative positions for 3-6 months
    • $500,000: Sweep leftover funds from completed projects (e.g., leftover Innovation and Equipment funds)

Ongoing Proposed Budget Reductions

Using the budget scoring rubric developed by the DEI BAG group, the BAG discussed each of the proposed reductions, their impact on students, equity and operations and then scored them based on the guiding principles. The BAG reviewed more than $2.282 million of proposed budget reductions; some were rejected from consideration because they had too large of an overall negative impact.

Unit Plan Requests

As part of the college’s annual unit planning, budget originators are asked to identify needs and gaps as well as new operation budget requests. These requests were brought to the BAG for a similar process of discussion and scoring based on our guiding principles.

Budget Documents and Links

Budget Messages

2022-23 Budget Messages

June 29, 2023
June 7, 2023
May 1, 2023
March 31, 2023
Nov. 16, 2022
Aug. 30, 2022

College participation

Thank you to the many folks across the college who have taken time from their busy schedules to actively participate in the college's budget process.

College participation

BAG members
Agenda Setting Group
DEI BAG Subcommittee

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Budget process information from past years

2021-22 Budget Process 2020-21 Budget Process 2019-20 Budget Process


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