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Welcome to fall inservice!

Welcome to fall inservice! This year’s inservice will focus on our values of Learning, Equity, Student Success, Community and Belonging. Fall inservice is the week of Sept. 18-22. 

Tuesday morning’s all-staff will include a hot breakfast from 7:30 to 8:30 a.m. (Note: A limited number of vegan meals will be available by request). Tuesday morning’s session will begin at 8:30 a.m. and features special guest Parfait Bassale, who uses his own experiences to help individuals and organizations create a culture of belonging through storytelling, music and connection.

Additional sessions on our values follow Tuesday afternoon and Thursday, along with open houses for the STEM Center and Makerspace. Branch and division meetings will be on Wednesday. See the full schedule below.

This year’s BBQ is on Thursday, and the Foundation will be celebrating the launch of its Cougar Community Campaign by serving up a special treat for dessert! Thank you, Foundation!

Note: Student Services will be closed on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings (Sept. 19 and 20) and will open at 1 p.m.


Note for associate faculty

Instruction and Student Services will pay associate faculty for their participation in the following inservice events:

  1. Distance learning sessions (ramp-up week, Sept. 11-15)
  2. All-staff event (Sept. 19)
  3. All afternoon sessions on the college’s values
  4. Instruction and Student Services meeting (Sept. 20)
  5. Division meetings (Sept. 20)

There will be sign-in forms for associate faculty to record their attendance at the paid-for sessions. This is a reminder to associate faculty: To get paid, you will need to sign in and include your birthdate or employee ID number. This is for identification purposes only to make it easier for admins to find you in Colleague and get you paid. To find your employee ID number, look at your pay advice in the top left corner; your ID number is listed there. It is also on your CCC ID card.

Ready to Get Started?