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Budget process for fiscal year 2020-21

Overview of the problem

The college has a recent history of declining enrollment, student retention, state disinvestment, PERS, structural operating deficit. To help balance last year’s budget, the college depleted one-time funds in 2019-2020.

Expenses continue to rise while state funding is not keeping pace with inflation, and student enrollment is declining by over 25%. For CCC, 84% of the budget is personnel, and employees are key to CCC’s ongoing success and the success of our students. Given the circumstances impacting revenues, CCC may not be able to avoid layoffs.

Budget balancing plan scope and objective

  • Reduce the budget by a range of $1.8 million to $6.4 million for fiscal years 2021-23 while staying competitive and mission-driven.
  • Preserve existing Board of Education and CCC priorities to the extent possible.
  • CCC will achieve this through a combination of strategic/targeted cuts, pursuing new revenues and identifying efficiencies.
  • This will be phased in over two years.
  • Scope of the budget reduction is general funds only, not enterprise funds.
  • CCC will use a strategic approach to reductions using a lens/criteria for budget cuts.

Budget Process 2020-21: Priorities and Principles

FY 17-21 CCC Strategic Priorities
Budget Balancing Plan Guiding Principles

Budget Balancing Equity Tool

The college will use a Budget Equity Framework as it evaluates potential budget actions in the winter/spring. This framework will ensure a thoughtful and robust evaluation of potential budget actions with a focus on equity as well as social and racial justice. The Budget Advisory Group and the Executive Team have reviewed and agreed to this framework.

Budget Scoring Rubric

Evaluation of Budget Reduction Ideas

CCC will take considerable time to evaluate budget reduction ideas in order to weigh the alternatives and have a clear understanding of the service impacts, financial impacts, and potential unintended consequences. As CCC evaluates budget reduction ideas, we will consider the long-term impacts of CCC's ability to fulfill its mission, goals and priorities.

CCC will engage a shared governance process whereby budget reductions ideas, efficiency ideas, and new revenue ideas can be submitted by any college employee, and they will be vetted by many groups. CCC will collect input from the entire community once the initial vetting and narrowing of potential reductions have taken place at the Budget Advisory Group, Leadership Cabinet, and Executive Team.

CCC will provide transparency in the vetting process to the extent possible, given consideration to potentially impacted employees, and requirements of the collective bargaining agreements.

CCC will not accept anonymous budget reduction ideas, as follow-up questions need to be directed back to those submitting budget reduction ideas.

Budget Process 2020-21: Evaluation of Budget Reduction Ideas

How will budget decisions be made?
Short-Term Actions to Address Budget Gap
Communications Plan

College Participation

Existing college groups will convene and discuss budget reductions and their implications, and the college will also engage the entire college community through forums, surveys, drop-in sessions, emails and the website.

Budget Process 2020-21: College Participation

Budget Advisory Group Membership
Executive Team Membership
Leadership Cabinet Membership
Presidents Council Membership

Budget Documents and Links

Budget Messages

2020-21 Budget Process Updates

March 31, 2021 - Budget/ARE process update - good news!
Feb. 2, 2021 - Budget forecast scenarios
Dec. 10, 2020 - Proposed budget released
Nov. 20, 2020 - Suggestions
Nov. 5, 2020 - Faculty Forum delayed
Nov. 5, 2020 - Last year's FTF approved positions

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Budget process information from past years

2019-20 Budget Process


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